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Многие люди заинтересованы в спорте. Кто-то смотрит спортивные телеканалы, а кто-то занимается спортом профессионально. У спорта есть свои плюсы и минусы. Во-первых, спорт позволяет поддерживать физическую форму. Во-вторых, занятие спортом может помочь стать более организованным. В-третьих, спорт помогает стать более сильным. Кроме того, спорт формирует характер и развивает социальные навыки. Но с другой стороны, спорт может быть опасным для здоровья. К тому же занятие спортом может быть физически очень трудным. Кроме того, для некоторых видов спорта необходимо определенное снаряжение, которое может быть довольно дорогим. Несмотря на то, что у спорта есть преимущества и недостатки, многие люди занимаются спортом. Кто-то активно, а кто-то пассивно.

Юлдуз Ганиева
Юлдуз Ганиева

Many people are interested in the sport. Someone watches sports channels, and someone playing sports professionally. In sports there are pluses and minuses. First, the sport can keep fit. Second, exercise can help you become more organized. Third, the sport can become stronger. In addition, sports build character and develop social skills. But on the other hand, sport can be dangerous to your health. Besides sports activities can be physically very difficult. In addition, for some sports require a certain outfit, which can be quite expensive. Despite the fact that the sport has advantages and disadvantages, many people in sports. Someone is active and someone passively.

Татьяна И

Many people are interested in the sport. Someone watches sports channels, and someone playing sports professionally. In sports there are pluses and minuses. First, the sport can keep fit. Second, exercise can help you become more organized. Third, the sport can become stronger. In addition, sports build character and develop social skills. But on the other hand, sport can be dangerous to your health. Besides sports activities can be physically very difficult. In addition, for some sports require a certain outfit, which can be quite expensive. Despite the fact that the sport has advantages and disadvantages, many people in sports. Someone is active and someone passivel

Оксана Иванова

Many people are interested in the sport. Someone watches sports channels, and someone playing sports professionally. In sports there are pluses and minuses. First, the sport can keep fit. Second, exercise can help you become more organized. Third, the sport can become stronger. In addition, sports build character and develop social skills. But on the other hand, sport can be dangerous to your health. Besides sports activities can be physically very difficult. In addition, for some sports require a certain outfit, which can be quite expensive. Despite the fact that the sport has advantages and disadvantages, many people in sports. Someone is active and someone passively.

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