
Вставьте вместо пропусков предлоги ( Over, in, from, under, near, between, to, to, at, on, onto, till, in, to, out of, i

1) Go ...the blackboard, please.
2) We often go ...library ...lessons.
3) They go ...the town ...bus ...7o"clock.
4) My cat is sitting ...my mother and my father.
5) Sometimes Mike does his homework ...the evening.
6) There are much show ...winter.
7) I like to travel ...ship.
😎 There are many trees ...the house.
9) We go swimming ...Sundays ...summer.
10) Take the books ...the bag and put them ...the table.
11) The cat is sitting ...the table.
12) We go ...school ...Monday ...Saturday.
13) There are four rooms ...the flat.
14) There is a bridge ...the road.
15) We live ,,,Pscov ...Chehov street.

Евгений Шувалов

1ту2ту афтер3ту бай эт4битвин5ин6ин7бай8ниар9он ин10аут оф (фром) он11андер12ту фром (тилл) ту13ин14овер15ин ин

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