
Написать e-mail вашему другу по переписке о популярной туристической достопримечательностью в вашей стране.


Hi! my dear pan-pal friend Jessica! Last summer I visited with my parents a popular tourist attraction in Russia - Lake Baikal. Lake Baikal is one of the best natural wonders in the world. It is the deepest and the oldest lake in the world. Following the Caspian Sea, Lake Baikal is the second most voluminous lake in the world. The lake also ranks as the biggest freshwater lake in the world. The lake is situated in the south of the Russian area of Siberia (between Irkutsk Oblast on the northwest and the Buryat Republic on the southeast, close to the city of Irkutsk). Lake Baikal is also popularly called as the “Pearl of Siberia”. The lake holds around 20% of the surface fresh water of the world. There are a lot of biologists on the cost of the Lake in special uniform, which monitors its ecological conditions. If you will come come to me on your winter vacation we can see this lake together. Best regards, your friend Vladislav.

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