
Помогите поставить правильный артикль "A" или "The"

Нужно поставить правильный артикль "A" или "The"
My aunt`s flat is in house. There is, ..bedroom,, ..bathroom and in ...flat. ..bedroom is ...large room with ...tow windows. is light as are large. There are ...white curtains on There are ...two beds with ...large pillows on them. There are ...small tables near ...beds. There are ...lamps on them. To ...left of ...door there is ...dressing-table with ...looking-glass on it. There is ...low chair at ...dressing-table. There are ...several pictures on ...pale green walls. There is ...thick carpet on ...floor. ..carpet is dark green. is very cosy.

Эрадж Иванов

1. a
2. a
3. -
4. -
5. -
6. -
7. the
8. the
9. a
10. -
11. the
12. the
13. -
14. the
15. -
16. -
17. -
18. the
19. -
20. -
21. the
22. the
23. a
24. a
25. a
26. the
27. -
28. the
29. a
30. the
31. the
32. the

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Помогите поставить правильный артикль "A" или "The".. СРОЧНО!!!.
Помогите поставить правильный артикль "A" или "The".. СРОЧНО!!!
Помогите поставить правильный артикль "A" или "The".. Помогите СРОЧНО!!!
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Помогите вставить правильные артикли "A" или "The"
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