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Help with English PLEASE

I am making Vorobyovi Gori at the moment.
So I had been searching answer for one question for an hour when I remembered about your project.
What has happened with shakespeare house 16th September?

Thank you very much.

Простите за грамматику, я всего в 8 классе, Англ. яз. у меня не очень хорошо.. .

в 1843 году


И опять здравствуйте) ) I HAVE BEEN, а не HAD BEEN What HAPPENED, А НЕ HAS HAPPENED

Лилиана Бэреску

What HAPPENED TO Shakespeare's house on 16th September, 1847?
United Shakespeare Company bought his home in Stratford-upon-Avon on 16th September, 1847.

Константин Удаков

I am working on "Vorobyovi Gori" at the moment. I have been looking for the answer for an hour when I remembered about this project "Otvety"
I desided to ask my question here: "What has happened with Shakespeare house on 16th September of ...year"?


I had been looking for the answer for an hour when I remembered
What happened on the 16th September

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