Никола Ф
Никола Ф

Не могли бы помочь и проверить написанные мной, предложения на Анг-яз буду очень благодарен=)

Прошу проверте пожалуйста, и исправте, вы мне очень поможете: )
1.Allan plays computer games every day because he likes to do it
2.I see how Ashford is playing a computer game
3.I hear that Jill cycles in the park
4.When I come Sarah was cycling in the park
5.We had had lunch а 20 minutes ago
6.We had lunch very good
7.Yesterday Julia has returned home home from her holidays
8.Maria retuned home because she missed
9.My favorite uncle Robert has been repairing his car because we should going to home
10. Sam has repaired his car and he very tireds
11.Sussan had packed the suitcases when going at the seaside
12.Jessica had been packing the suitcases because she does not like to be late


1.Allan plays computer games every day because he likes to do this
2.I see Ashford playing a computer game
3.I hear Jill cycling in the park
4.When I came Sarah was cycling in the park
5. We had lunch 20 minutes ago
6.We had a very good lunch
7.Yesterday Julia returned home from her holidays
8.Maria retuned home because she had missed it
9.My beloved uncle Robert has repaired his car because we should go home
10. Sam has repaired his car and he is very tired
11.Sussan had packed the suitcases when she went to the seaside
12.Jessica has packed the suitcases because she does not like to be late

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