Лариса Сапрыкина

Помогите с переводом или хотя бы текстом песни исполнителя Miracle of sound.

Нигде не могу найти перевод или хотя бы изначальный текст песни Miracle of sound-Silver and steel.Помогите ссылкой или своей версией, пожалуйста.

Пашка Борисов

http://www.songlyrics.com/miracle-of-sound/silver-and-steel-lyrics/ Throughout the crooked kingdoms
I watch the weather change
The clouds collide on either side
As nations rearrange

A silver mane adorns me
My steel is fluid and fast
They shun my ways, avoid my gaze
A fugitive outcast

There is no pain I can feel
True retribution I deal
Through silver and steel

Silver and steel

Deadly dark elixirs
Caustic, curdled, sour
Wound and weave and carve and cleave
Engulf my guts in power

By tome or trial I master
The secrets of the beast
By trap or burst now be dispersed
From torment be released

There is no pain I can feel
True retribution I deal
Through silver and steel

Silver and steel

Better make way when the Witcher comes
Srebro i stal
Better make way when the Witcher comes
Srebro i stal

I bear no love for counts or kings
Or nobles' taunts and tricks
I have no will to share their thrill
For tiresome politics

I hunt my wayward memories
For pieces of the past
As fragments fade I clutch my blade
And visit visions vast

There is no pain I can feel
True retribution I deal
Through silver and steel

Silver and steel

Better make way when the Witcher comes
Srebro i stal
Better make way when the Witcher comes
Srebro i stal

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