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Сергей Краснухин

Beaten dog saved man

The thoroughbred Tarzan cunning made заплаканного man out of the loop

The master of the Chelyabinsk receiving points of glass containers Boris МОКРИНСКИЙ bought a young dog for protection of the metal box from the night thieves. However, a good-natured creature, well ладившее and cats, and rats, and with the homeless, did not meet his expectations. In spite of the fact that the inflicted material damage amounted to a total of seven hundred roubles, the man in retaliation for several days did not feed a pet, and when he pulled off a piece of meat, he was brutally beaten.

Tarzan with a fractured head miraculously managed to escape from the raving of the owner in the nearest city Park. Boris Мокринский was sure the dog got lost and died under some tree, and he will not suffer for what they have done no наказания. В the early everyday morning in the Park of Victory was малолюдно and quiet. Bleeding dog for a long time lay on the snow under the bench, and when there were forces поковыляла in the middle of the Park lesochka. And stopped by a tree, on one of the branches of which, wrapped around the thick trunk of his hands, stood and cried the man. Anatoly Квашенин already hung on the neck of the loop, but could not bring himself to part with life.

WISE TARZAN: showing a Fox-like cunning and helped the man to revise the difficult situation and find the way out
The dog several times around the tree, and sat down in front of him on his hind legs, whined. The stranger decided to bring to mind conceived, tightened the noose, but Tarzan stopped him from doing it: stretched out on the ground and began to publish tearing the heart sounds.- Dog so much was that my heart broke, - says Anatoly Квашенин. "I thought I'd help the dog, call the vet, and then die самому. Едва man down to the ground, Tarzan picked up the loud barking and stranglehold grabbed his leg, so that he again had climbed a tree. Soon the noise came the guards of the Park and casual passers-by. They initially decided that Anatoly was going to hang a dog, but met fierce resistance. When the truth was opened, people were sincerely surprised extraordinary act of the wounded dog. Exhausted Tarzan passers-by took to the ветклинику, and Квашенина employee recreation Park personally escorted to the house.- Smart dogs in the nature a lot, but such хитрющих, as Tarzan, I haven't seen, " smiles Anatoly. "He saved the life, to help to take a fresh look at the situation, толкнувшую me to commit suicide.

The NEW owner of the DOG: Lucia Ахиятдинова says that her pet is a born - rescuer
Квашенин after the recent divorce from his wife settled in a rented apartment, for which is given to almost all of its earnings to the carpenter. Two weeks ago with his balcony on expensive foreign cars, standing at the entrance, fell block of ice. The owner of the jeep gave to the man in the court. He billed to 470 thousand rubles. The money, according to Anatoly, for the year he did not save even with three work! Here and climbed out of despair in петлю. Владимир ALEXANDROV, a police Тракторозаводского district of Chelyabinsk:- After recovery from four-legged Savior appeared the new owner of the Lucia Ахиятдинова. The other day while walking Tarzan himself brought her to the house of his insulter. The woman walked around a number of apartments. Neighbors confirmed: charming dog had lived with Boris Мокринского. In respect of men will be prosecuted for ill-treatment with the animals.

Anatoly КВАШЕНИН: I am infinitely grateful to the dog for his life saved

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