Новикова Татьяна
Новикова Татьяна

Вставьте прилагательное в нужный пробел и поставьте его в необходимую степень. Bad(2 times), hot, interesting, far, popul

1. Life in the city is_ than life in the country.
2. My new house is_from my office than my old house.
3.I ve got two brothers. They are both_ than me.
4. I think summers are_ than they were ten years ago.
5.The_ thing about my Job is my boss! She is always angry.
6.I work in a shoe shop, Saturday is _ day. We got a lot of customers and we work very hard.
7.I usually travel to work by bus. It is_ than the train. The train is very expensive.
8. my friend Jane is_ girl in my class. Everybody loves her.
9. Modern shopping centers are much_ than traditional shopping centers.
10.The Grand Canyon was the_ thing I saw on holiday.
11.The Titanic is _ film in Hollywood. I cried and cried.
12. Nothing is_ than forgetting your girlfriend is birthday.
13.My sister is boyfriend is_person i know. He is always got time to stop and he is always interested in what i say.
14. I d like a _house. Our house has only one bedroom and a very small living room.
15. My brother travels a lot in his job and meets a lot of different people. it is_ than my job.
16 The _thing about living in the country is the pease and quiet.

Аня Кузнецова
Аня Кузнецова

1. worse
2. further
3. elder/younger
4. hotter
5. worst

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Вставьте прилагательные в нужной форме. Используйте необходимые слова: ''the'', ''more'', ''less'', ''as'', ''than'':
нужны 7 предложений на английском языке с переводом, по теме степени сравнения прилагательных ( для 7класса)!!!!
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Вместо пропусков вставьте, где необходимо, артикли a (an),the пожалуста! Где чёрточки там нужно вставить.
Вставьте прилагательное в пробел и поставьте его в необходимую степень.
Помогите с английским. Нужно образовать степени сравнения от прилагательных. Спасибо!
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