Сергей Блинов

Вставьте прилагательные в нужной форме. Используйте необходимые слова: ''the'', ''more'', ''less'', ''as'', ''than'':

1.Coca-Cola is __________ (big) soft drinks manufacturer in the world.
2.The keyboard is quite difficult to use. It’s __________ (small) the one I’m used to.
3.The conference was a little disappointing. It was __________ (interesting) I expected.
4.Yesterday was one of __________ (hot) days of the year.
5.I think this suggestion is __________ (good) the other one.
6.It’s impossible to choose between these two products. One is __________ (good) the other.
7.The first round of negotiations was easy. The next will be __________ (difficult).
8.We’re only a small company. We’re not __________ (large) the market leader in our sector.
9.This year our sales figure are __________ (bad) last year.
10.This is __________ (bad) case of corruption we’ve seen for years.

Коста Карасев

Уже сто раз было.

hghltd.yandex.*net/yandbtm?text=The keyboard is quite difficult to use&url=http://otvet.mail.ru/question/81897773&fmode=inject&mime=html&l10n=ru&sign=5fae28ca27312316e33be774cd68452c&keyno=0

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