Николай Корняев

Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами после номеров 1-6

Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами после номеров 1-6 так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.
A New Park
1. The entrance to the Rother Valley Country Park is on the right _____________
__________________ after you leave the tiny village of Wales.
2. For the local people this new park is a _____________________- area of open space, where a lot of leisure activities are provided, including canoeing, rowing, sailing sail boarding, glass- skiing and riding.
3. For the motorized passer- by there are walks and picnic ___________________.
4.This area is becoming ___________________ popular. There is also a visitor centre at Bed Greave Mill, where there is working machinery and a caf. But don’t expect too much in the way of good scenery.
5. The area was for long a mess of old coal mines and an __________________ railway line. More recently an ambitious and continuing special programme has converted the former mines to lakes.
6. The displays in the _________________________ visitor centre explain how grass and wetland for wildlife are being established.


1. The entrance to the Rother Valley Country Park is on the right SHORTly after you leave the tiny village of Wales.
2. For the local people this new park is a SUCCESSful area of open space, where a lot of leisure activities are provided, including canoeing, rowing, sailing sail boarding, glass- skiing and riding.
3. For the motorized passer-by there are walks and picnic
4.This area is becoming EXTREMEly popular. There is also a visitor centre at Bed Greave Mill, where there is working machinery and a caf. But don’t expect too much in the way of good scenery.
5. The area was for long a mess of old coal mines and an unUSEd railway line. More recently an ambitious and continuing special programme has converted the former mines to lakes.
6. The displays in the ATTRACTive visitor centre explain how grass and wetland for wildlife are being established.

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