Саша Патапов

Sаy whаt you call thеm

57.Sаy whаt you call thеm.

1. a dancer whо takes part in a ballet; 2. something actors and actresses put on their faces to change their appearances; 3. the part of a theatre/cinema where the audience sits; 4. a funny or light play in the theatre; 5. a large area inside the theatre/cinema where people mеet or wait and walk in the interval; 6. a sad or serious play in the theatre; 7. a person who shows people where their seats are; 8. someone who leads a group of music players or singers; 9. a person whose job is to design things by making drawings of them; 10. a very famous and popular actor/actress; 11. something that helps you to see the actоr and the stage better; 12. a group of actors appearing in a particular performance; 13. a room where a performer can get dressed; 14. the sides of the stage which the audience cannot see because of the curtains and scenery; 15. everything thаt is on the stage to give an impression of the place where the play (ballet, opera) is happening.

Танечка Волошко

Не уверена, что всё так, как нужно)

1. ballet dancer; 2 make-up; 3. auditorium 4. comedy; 5. foyer; 6. drama; 7. attendant; 8. conductor 9. scene-painter; 10. first violin; 11. opera glasses; 12. troupe; 13. dressing room; 14. wings; 15. decorations.

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