
Заполните пропуски следующими словами:

Заполните пропуски следующими словами: fat or sugar, fruit and vegetables, obese, healthy, chips and pizzas.

What is tasty is not always _____. Doctors say that _______ are fattening, Coca-Cola spoils our teeth, and coffee shortens our lives.
If you go on eating too much, you’ll become ______, and obesity leads to heart disease, diabetes and stroke.
Some scientists believe that food influences not only our bodies but our spirits as well.
Foods with lots of additives, _________ can make you violent and anti-social. Natural foods like fresh ______ which contain lots of vitamins and minerals can make you more intelligent, optimistic and energetic.
So think twice before you start eating!

Crazy Mart

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1. healthy. 2. chips and pizzas. 3. obese. 4. fat or sugar. 5. fruit and vegetables.

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