Алёна Калинёва

Помогите перевести текст social etiquette in the uk! Спасибо

The British like their privacy. So not all topics are safe for small talk. Avoid asking people about their age, religion, politics, marital status, weight or how much they earn. Instead, acceptable small talk topics are family, films, television, sport, studies, food, hobbies and of course the weather.

When you visit people at home make sure you’re on time. It’s also nice to take a gift for your hosts. Such as a bottle of wine, a bunch of flowers or a box of chocolates. A British person may say “come and see me soon” or “drop in anytime”. However you must always phone before you visit someone.


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Юлия Кравцова

Жители Великобритании не любят, когда им лезут в душу. Поэтому не на всякую тему можно с ними походя разговаривать. Боже упаси спрашивать об их возрасте, вероисповедании, политических взглядах, семейном положении, их весе или размере заработка.

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