Валерий Корсаков

Why Did the Little Dog Die? ПОМОГИТЕ, СРОЧНО! нужен сам текст

Olya Zimnova
Olya Zimnova

This happened in England shortly after World War II. Mrs.Reed intended to give a party. She wanted to invite her friends for dinner and a game of bridge. It was easy enough to ask people to come, but far more difficult to provide a meal for them, for food rationing had not yet been abolished in Great Britain at that time. She was thinking about it when her maid-servant announced that there was a man at the back door offering to sell mushrooms. The lady accompanied by the little terrier, came down to the kitchen and found there a rather disreputable-looking stranger with a basket over his arm. The lady knew nothing about mush- rooms and she asked the man if they were not poisonous. The man reassured her that they were good. The lady paid the money at once, ordering her servant to empty the basket and return it to its owner. While the servant was emptying the basket she dropped a mushroom, and the terrier immediately gobbled it. Seeing that, the stranger said that the dog knew what was good. Pocketing the money, he laughed a malicious laugh and left the kitchen. The guests arrived at the appointed hour and were served a dish of mushrooms, which they liked very much. While the usual clattering of forks and knives was in progress, the hostess noticed that the servant’s eyes were red with tears. Calling her asi de, Mrs. Reed asked her what was the cause of her tears. The girl said that she did not want to upset the lady, but she was crying because the dog had died. The terrible truth flashed through the lady’s brain. She saw her duty clearly and addressing the guests she said that the mushrooms she had offered them were poisonous. She added that if they wished to save their lives they should act quickly. There was a general outburst of emotions. Some of the gentlemen swore, some of the ladies cried. Then one man suggested going to the nearest hospital to have the contents of their stomachs pumped out. All rushed for their dear lives. The staff of the hospital were surprised to see a group of patients in evening dress. Naturally no one thought of playing cards after that occurrence. On arriving home, the lady asked where the terrier’s body was. “Oh,” said the servant, still sobbing, “ the gardener has buried it, for it was so badly smashed, and we didn’t even have time enough to put down the number of the car that so cruelly ran over the poor little pet.”

Источник: http://5fan.ru/wievjob.php?id=55052

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