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Помогите составить 5 типов вопросов к предложению! вот предложение: I and my friends, together we go to the shops

5 типов вопросов (общий, альтернативный, специальный, разделительный и вопрос к подлежащему)

Егор Болдырев
Егор Болдырев

I go shopping together with my friends.

Do you go shopping together with your friends?
Who goes shopping together with your friends?
Where do you go with your friends?
I go shopping together with my friends, don't I?
Do you go shopping together with your friends or with your parents?

Екатерина Лисицына

Do we go to the shop?
Do we go to the shop or to school?

Where do we go together?

Together we go the shop, don't it?

Who go to the shop together?

Вячеслав Соловьев

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