Татьяна Любавская

Укажите номера предложений текста, где употребляются глаголы времени группы The Indefinite Tense (Active and Passive)


1. The purpose of every
investigator is to aid in the fight against arson. It’s to be used as a
weapon-a weapon of knowledge against the perpetrator. Knowledge is the only
effective tool we have to fight this enemy. The more that we know about the
crime and the criminal, the better equipped we are to put the criminal away. To
understand the crime, we have to know what evidence to look for during an
investigation. To understand the criminal we need to understand the motive.

2. There is no worse crime
than arson. It kills, destroys. It also pays. The arsonist almost always gets
away with his crime and is rarely punished.

3. If arson is to be stopped,
we have to educate ourselves to the facts – pull out heads out of the sand and
realize the enormity of the situation. Arson is a crime, but it’s rarely
treated as such. A man can burn down his house. The fire is extinquished and
all too often, the cause of the fire is reported as “accidental” or “unknown”.
The owner submits a claim and receives a check from his insurance company.
Eventually, the increase in the number of fraudulent claims paid out by the
insurance companies means higher premiums for the rest of us. We are all

4. Contrary to popular belief,
an arson fire can be identified. There is always evidence. A trained
investigator can walk into a totally razed structure and find evidence that
screams “arson”. Few people realize, including some fire–fighters and
investigators, that fire doesn’t destroy evidence, it creates it.

5. It is important to know all
facts from the beginning of a fire investigation to the end, through burned out
buildings with charred bodies, and into the mind of the arsonist. One must know
what evidence to look for, how the burned patterns can reveal the cause of the
fire. Every investigator must have a guide of fire investigators and claim
adjusters as they search for the origin and cause of the fire. It tells the
investigator how to interview witnesses and how to read the body language of
key suspects.

Юрий Арчаков
Юрий Арчаков

А здесь ТОЛЬКО Present Indefinite Active и Passive. Других нет.

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