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Вера Политаева

Проблемы с Английским.

Задали написать небольшое сочинение на тему-"Для чего учить Английский язык" Написала уж как могла. Немогли бы подсказать ошибки в сочинении? Буду благодарна
Why we need English?Most importantly, because it the international language. Now, it is very common. You not only expand you social circle,but the outlook. Many talented writers, actors and singers from English-speaking countries. English is also required for admission to the university, to travel. And it's easy to learn, and there are a lot of words that are similar to the Russian word. That's not all, there are many reasons for deciding to teach angliysey


Why DO we need English? Mostly because it IS AN international language. It is very common nowadays. You DON'T only expand your social circle but also the outlook (?). A lot of talented writers, actors and singers ARE from English-speaking countries. English is also required TO ENTER the university and to travel. And it's easy to learn BECAUSE there are a lot of words that a similar to Russian WORDS. That's not all, threea re many reasons for deciding to LEARN ENGLISH.

У вас действительно серьезные проблемы с английским. Допустить 10 грамматических и 3 стилистические ошибки в 9 предложениях. . Тут одно из двух - либо вы не способны понимать английский язык, либо (что более вероятно) вы написали текст по-русски и пихнули его в программу для машинного перевода - это видно из отсутствия орфографических ошибок, русского порядка слов в предложениях и слова angliysey - в котором вы допустили опечатку, из-за чего переводчик не смог его распознать.

Светлана Жильцова

Why we need English?Most importantly, because it is the international language. Now, it is very common. You not only expand you social circle,but the outlook. A lot of famous writers, actors and singers from English-speaking countries. English is also required for admission to the university, to travel. And it's easy to learn, and there are a lot of words that are similar to the Russian word. That's not all, there are many reasons for deciding to teach angliysey

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