Латифов Исмоил

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The winter production company has finally released the film which the
public has been waiting for so long: The Hawk. The winter company was
originally going to release the film in August but they decided to wait
until October, as they know that fewer peoplego to the cinema in the
summer. Richard Able directed The Hawk and critics are encouraging
people to see it. Cinemas report that British audiences have bought a
lot of tickets and they are sure The Hawk will be a success

Любаня Смульская
Любаня Смульская

1.The film which the public has been waiting for so long: The Hawk has finally been released by the winter production company.
2. The film was originally going to be released in August but they decided to wait
until October, as they know that fewer people go to the cinema in the summer.
3. The Hawk was directed by Richard Able and people are being encouraged to see it by critics.
4. Cinemas report that a lot of tickets have been bought by British audiences and they are sure The Hawk will be a success.

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