
Как перевести в Present Simple and present continuous - My sister wanting me to help her with her homework.

Tony often forget to bring his books to class.
Sarah isnt really liking her geography teacher.
What do you think about at the moment?
Where lives Danav Banach?

Grisha Brinza

переводчик в руки..

Светлана Павлова
Светлана Павлова

гугл переводчик в помощ

Татьяна Родионова

My sister wants me to help her with her homework.
Tony often forgets to bring his books to class.
Sarah doesn't really like her geography teacher.
What are you thinking about at the moment?
Where does Danav Banach live?

Антон Голубов

My sister wanting me to help her with her homework- Моя сестра хочет, чтобы я помог ей с домашним заданием.


My sister wants me to help her with her homework.
Tony is often forgetting to bring his books to class.
Sarah doesn't really like her geography teacher.
What are you thinking about at the moment?
Where does Danav Banac live?


My sister wants me to help her with her homework.
Tony is often forgetting to bring his books to class.
Sarah doesn't really like her geography teacher.
What are you thinking about at the moment?
Where does Danav Banac live?

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