
Помогите пожалуйста написать пересказ на английском языке от первого лица (девушки) данного текста.

Мария Репетенко

I am an orphan and I struggle through this life completely alone. The only job I could find was in a small shop. I worked there for a minimum wage which was just enough to pay my room rent and one moderate meal a day. I didn’t have any money to buy myself a coat and when it started to snow I got cold and came down with a fever. It took me more than a week to fell a little better and when I returned to my work place, the owner said that he has hired a new girl instead of me.
I was hoping that I will find a new job, but I look so thin and ill that no one wants to take the risk of hiring me. So for the last three days I stay in bed and only drink water. I feel that my life is rapidly slipping away from me. I am too tired to struggle in this indifferent world which is full of suffering people just like me.
I only feel sorry that I never felt love or even sympathy from other people and that I should leave this world not knowing what does it mean – to love and be loved. And then I’ve got angry at the priests who had always said that God is love, and God loves all of us, which, I was sure, can’t be possibly true! I decided that since I am all alone in this world of pain and hunger, and no one cares for me - I shouldn’t care for this world and die. And the minute I made this decision, I heard a knock on my door and you entered my room, and you looked so worried for me, and you cared enough to bring me food, and gave me your friendly support. At first I thought that you are an Angel, but when you told me that you too are alone in this world and have no one to care for you, I now think that it is God’s provision that you have found me so I can give you all the tenderness and care I have in me and to feel love for life and God.

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