
помогите пожалуйста сделать задание!

Упражнение 10. Напишите ответные реплики в соответствии со
следующими моделями.
Модель 1.-I come to the office at 8 every day.
-And I don't come to the office at 8.
I come to the office at 9.

1.My friend writes letters to the customers in the evening.
2.My child watches television after lunch.
3.I always stay at home in the evening,
4.The manager of the office usually meets customers at 11 o'clock in the
5.Our engineers have lunch at 1.
6.We finish our work at 7.
7.I stay in the office till 4 o'clock.

Модель 2.-1 finish my work at 3.
-Do you really finish your work at 3? And
I finish my work at 6.

1.Our secretary comes to the office at 8.
2.Our engineers meet customers in the evening.
3.Our manager stays in the office till 9 in the evening.
4.The economist of our office finishes his work at 5,
5.I always have lunch at 4.

Упражнение 11. Составьте предложения из следующих слов:
1.In the evening, is, my elder son, at 7, at home, usually.
2.Stay, we, at home, often, in the evening.
3. In the morning, writes, usually, the secretary, letters.
4.Watch, after 10, don't, television.
5.Your manager, finish, at 7, his work, sometimes, does?

Упражнение 12. Напишите вопросы, на которые можно дать следующие ответы:
1.Yes, I've got a flat.
2.I haven't got a three-room flat.
3.I've got a two-room flat.
4.No, my sitting-room is not large.
5.Yes, we've got a sofa in our sitting-room.
6.The sofa is green.
7.Yes, we often stay at home in the evenings.
8.We read books and watch television in the evenings.

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