Айбек Осмонов

Помогите выбрать-could, can, mustn’t, have to, needn’t, may, should, don’t have to

1Our company ...easily enter the foreign market.
2 They ...transport their products by rail.
3 We ...reject a proposal without presenting it to the meeting.
4 We ...have driven to the city in two hours if we hadn’t stopped for lunch

thank you very much!!!

Наталья Миронова

1Our company can easily enter the foreign market.
2 They shuld transport their products by rail.
3 We mustn't reject a proposal without presenting it to the meeting.
4 We could have driven to the city in two hours if we hadn’t stopped for lunch
(Хотя и другие модальные глаголы тоже можно было выбрать)

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