Антон Крутов
Антон Крутов

Есть вопрос. Нужна помощь

Нужен развернутый ответ на концептуальный вопрос по рассказу Somerset Maugham "The Bum"

Вопрос: Was it logical or not that the man came to be a bum?

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Помогите пожалуйста 😉 Ответ на английском желательно

Перевод самого вопроса на русский: Было ли это логично или нет, что главный герой рассказа стал бездомным? Помыслим глобально. По-русски тоже пишите свои мысли


Imagine the scene that one day you become homeless, that is, do not have any work at home, no means of support. All social networks destroyed any of friends or relatives you absolutely do not need ...what would be your normal weekday? And will it differ from the holiday? What is it like to live on the street? Read biographies of famous homeless as they sunk to such a life? And the best find in the city of, meet them, or even set up an friends among them. Find out details about how they live? Ask yourself this question: would you be one of them?

An interesting fact is that the homeless could not everyone. So drastically change their social status even lower side is not given to everyone. But if you wonder how to become homeless, it can aggravate the topic even tougher.

Bomzhevat to start gradually. First you need to take out a loan, preferably secured apartment. With work, it is natural to dismiss and proceed to the stage of daunshiftera (a fashionable word) or bum-parasite. No income-generating activities for any reason in any case do not keep! By the way, who does not like the word bum - it can be replaced by daunshifter or man, voluntarily withdraws from senseless rat race for money. He was tired of wasting your life on a career and change your time for money - he went into a free swimming and creative self-realization. Only, mind you, we agreed that this activity does not make money, and then bomzhevat not work. So you can bomzhevat and proudly call themselves daunshifterom.

So, all credit and cash was driven into the forex and quickly merge. If instead of the losses vdug flooded profit - do not give up, and donate the money to a local orphanage. The director of this institution greatly gladdened and buys a new car with that money.

After a week in the house of food ends and you begin to cook the remaining stock of cooking pasta and cereals. The third week of the fun begins - a campaign for local trash. Here, you need to choose foods waste with skill, so that not much poison. Will not be easy, but do not give up.

Meet with local homeless people and find out who owns the local trash ...let us not go into the hierarchy of the homeless, and likely will continue the chain of events.

Bank takes an apartment for the debts and evicts you on the street. Okay, you can go to sleep under a bridge or in the basement.

Now you are a real bum, congratulations!

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