Алексей Буканов

эссе по английскому на тему family or career. срочно

Денис Филатов

Nowaday, many people believe that a career is the most important thing in life. When a person is successful in his career, he is happy in life. I completely agree with this statement. If a person is able to achieve success in their work, he can create a happy family.
Firstly, a successful career brings a lot of money. When a person has sufficient means of subsistence, he can buy clothes, food, medicines. Money is vital for the people.They help people buy the necessary things. Secondly, successful work gives a person a good status in society. People want to have a high position in society, because then they feel good about yourself. Thirdly, career gives a person a sense of freedom. People who earn money themselves, they do not depend on anyone. They build a life on your own.
On the other hand, people with a successful career are often lonely. Because they are so fond of the work that they forget about all. In addition, sometimes a successful career doing makes people rude and uncaring. Some people are starting to command his relatives as employees of the firm. And most importantly, the people, carried away a career tend to forget that they have not created a family. In my opinion, it is important to bear children who will support in old age.
In conclusion: many men, many minds. Therefore, opinions on the subject will always be different. In my opinion, the career thing in life because it gives confidence in the future.

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