
How to act around a boy, that loved me in the past

We were kids, between 12-13, now i am 15, he loved me but i mistreated him, so now when we met again, i don't know what does he feel, hate me or not, but please give an advice, HOW TO ACT AROUND HIM? how to know if he love, or hate me????

Ирина Дроздова

моя тебя не понимать, урод

Александр Николаев

Don't think about this much..you only 15 ..in your life has a lot going guys ..

Юлия Матиевская

Just forget about it. I am pretty sure he doesn't feel anything. Usually, after such a long break up feelings become weaker. Especially in your age. Act as if nothing happened, in a calm ordinary way.

Елена Антипова

go and ask him. it's the simplest way, indeed

Татьяна Кузнецова

talk to him, if you like forgive
(Translated from google)

Рустам Парпибаев

I think he is not rancorous. If you will ask to excuse you, you will behave nice and won't lie to him, he forgive you without fail! You may begin communicate with him again and create new relations more serious.

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