Сергей Батурин
Сергей Батурин

Укажите на ошибки, пожалуйста )

Dear Sirs,
With reference to your advertisement in the web-site «www.yandex.job.com»on Wednesday 18 th January, I am interest in a full-time position of pharmacist .

I am 17-years old student currently studying in National Pharmaceutical University College .Education in Pharmacy enables me to competently address the issues of customer. My energy, flexibility and teamwork with my hardworking would meet you expectations.
Two years ago, I have practiced in a drugstore. I like to help people very much.
I attach a reference from my collage .Please note that I am available to attend an interview at 17.00 from Monday to Friday. Thank you for your time and consideration. I am looking forward to meeting you soon.
Sincerely Yours,
Irina Zaloznaya

Виталий Ламинский

Не лингвист и не специалист, но по-моему: 1. Collage - это колледж? Тогда ошибка. 2. To competenly adress - либо to, либо competently. 3. To meeting you... -уберите "ing". 4. Общее: фразеология, стиль - чистый перенос из русского языка. Что тут сделать - не знаю. P.s.: еще раз подчеркиваю, что не лингвист, не специалист, не англичанин-американец и т. п. , так что просто говорю навскидку о том, что бросилось в глаза, лучше просто не обращайте внимания. Sorry.

Павел Андреевич
Павел Андреевич

Dear Sirs,
With reference to your advertisement on the web-site «www.yandex.job.com» of Wednesday, 18 January, I am interested in a full-time position of a pharmacist.
I am a 17-year-old student currently studying (SUBJECT) at the National Pharmaceutical College. My knowldge of Pharmacy enables me to competently address the customer's needs. My energy and flexibility along with my abilities of teamwork and hardworking won't fail you expectations.
Two years ago I had practice in a drugstore. I like helping people.
Here I attach a reference from one of my colleagues. I am available for an interview at 17.00 from Monday to Friday. Thank you for your time and consideration. I am looking forward to meeting you soon.

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