Natali Notka

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The bun rolled along the road and met a hare.
"Little bun, little bun, I shall eat you up!" said the hare. "Don't eat me, slant-eyed hare! I will sing you a song," said the bun, and sang:
I was scraped from the cupboard,
Swept from the bin,
Kneaded with sour cream,
Fried in butter,
And cooled on the sill.
I got away from Grandpa,
I got away from Grandma
And I'll get away from you, hare!
And the bun rolled away before the hare even saw it move!

Дмитрий Черных
Дмитрий Черных

The hare said that he should eat up the little bun.The bun asked him not to eat him.He promised that he would sing a song for him.He sang that he had been scraped from the cupboard,had been swept from the bin,had been kneaded with sour cream and had been fried in butter.He added that he had beencooled on the still and that he had got awy from grandma,He said that he would het away from the hare.

Анна Студеникина

the hare said that he would eat the bun up. the bun asked not to eat him and promised to sing a song for the hare. the bun sang that he had been scraped from the cupboard, swept from the bin, kneaded with sour cream and fried in butter and cooled on the sill, then he had got away from grandpa and grandma and he boasted to get away from the hare too.

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