Павел Дианов

Put the verbs in brackets in the right from.

1.It's a pity i'm so busy. if i (have) free time i would go to the amusement park.
2.Don't worry about the dogs. They won't bite him if he (not be rude).
3.You are very impatient. You will need more patience if you (want) to be a babysitter.
4.This is not the right job for me. If i had an outgoing personality, i (apply) for this job.
5.He (get) this job if he writes a goof CV. Please help him write it.
6.He must talk to his parents. They would let him work as a ranger if they (know) more about the job.
7.You (have to) take a taxi if you miss the bus.
8.She won't go to the park if it (rain).
9.If you (have) time, she'll work as a babysitter.
10.You (burn) calories if you do sports.
11.If you showed a good attitude to me, i (be) more open with you.
12.If i were able to make website home pages, i (make) one for myself.
13.If my computer hadn't broken down, i (send) an e-mail long ago.
14.If you (not do) your homework last week, you would have been in trouble yesterday.

Любовь ......

1. had
2. isn`t rude
3. want
4. would apply
5. will get
6. knew
7. will have to
8. rains
9. haven`t (там нет отрицания, поэтому по сути, наверное, надо ставить have, но тогда со смыслом что-то не то получается)
10. will burn
11. will be
12. would make
13. would have sent
14. hadn`t done

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