Юрий Сизов

помогите пожалуйста, past indefinite or present perfect


1. He has forgotten his French since he left Paris.
2. Years ago he was very poor, and did not know how to live. He has become very rich now.
3. I can reach my work easily now, as I have bought a new car.
4. The man you see there is the man to whom I have lent the money. When did you lend it to him? I did it yesterday.
5. I have lost my keys and cannot remember where I saw them last.
6. He cannot see well as he has become short-sighted.
7. He is a man who has lived a remarkable life.
8. What did you do last night?
9. What have you been doing since I saw you last?
10. I have not played much football since I left school.
11. - Have you heard from Jane lately? - Yes, I got a message from her last night.
12. I got a fax from Boston an hour ago, but I have not answered it yet.
13. - It's the most delicious cake I've ever tasted. - When and where did you buy it?
14. - When did you get this wonderful ring? - I don't remember. I've had it for years.
15. - How's Jack? When did you see him? - Oh, I have not met him for ages.

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