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love is everything i knew and everything what you need, love is everything i see in your eyes.
Ее пели в Comedy club Дмитрий Люсек Сорокин вперемешку с текстом на русском, мне кажется, это переделанная песня, а в интернете оригинал найти не могу

Елена Прошина

?Stop Hating On Ariana Grande.?

It’s time for us to all give something,
All around the world this time of year,
As a matter of fact it won’t cost you much,
It’s in your heart you got it right there,
You got it right there

The truth is,
Your heart is the biggest gift you can give anyone,
I know we can do it cause when I look around,
There’s enough for everyone

If you spend a little time, look deep inside, search your heart,
And I’m sure you’ll find that the best gift you can give this Christmas

All we need is love,
Love is all we need,
Love underneath the tree,
Love is everything

All we need is love,
Love is all we need,
Let your heart believe,
Love is everything

Give it all cause it’s the season,
Spread lots of joy and lots of cheer,
If you need a cost, if you need a reason,
Its the gift that just won’t disappear, won’t disappear

The truth is,
Your heart is the biggest gift you can give anyone,
I know we can do it cause when I look around,
There’s enough for everyone

If you spend a little time, look deep inside, search your heart,
And I’m sure you’ll find that the best gift you can give this Christmas

All we need is love,
Love is all we need,
Love underneath the tree,
Love is everything

All we need is love,
Love is all we need,
Let your heart believe,
Love is everything

Love who you love,
No one can judge,
Follow your heart and don’t give up,
Cause that’s what this day’s about

So grab ‘em close and hold them in
And don’t let go cause Christmas is here

All we need is love,
Love is all we need,
Love underneath the tree,
Love is everything

All we need is love,
Love is all we need,
Let your heart believe,
Love is everything

All we need is love,
Love is all we need,
Love underneath the tree,
Love is everything

All we need is love,
Love is all we need,
Let your heart believe,
Love is everything

All we need is love
Love is all we need
Love underneath the tree
Love is everything

All we need is love,
Love is all we need

Димка Михайлов

Ariana Grande - Love Is Everything

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