Оля Суслова

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… the one hand, it’s not a bad idea,
… the other, it’s too early to think … it now.

It was … the first time, I saw you.

It was just been announced … the
radio that a famous French actor is arriving … Moscow … a few days.

is …. a very good mood because the doctor told her yesterday that her father’s
life was … danger.

When the audience saw the famous
singer appear … the stage, they greeted her … a storm … applause.

Ольга Проничкина

1. On the one hand, it’s not a bad idea, on the other, it’s too early to think about it now. 2. It was for the first time, I saw you. 3. It was just been announced on the radio that a famous French actor is arriving in Moscow for a few days. 4. Jane is not in a very good mood because the doctor told her yesterday that her father’s life was in danger. 5. When the audience saw the famous singer appear on the stage, they greeted her with a storm of applause.

Николай Боронин

1. On the one hand, it’s not a bad idea, on the other, it’s too early to
think about it now.
2. It was for the first time I saw you.
3. It has just been announced on the radio that a famous French actor is arriving
in Moscow in a few days.
4. Jane is in a very good mood because the doctor told her yesterday that her father’s life was out of danger.
5. When the audience saw the famous singer appear on the stage, they greeted
her with a storm of applause.

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