Наталия Кудинова

Нужна помощь с английским заданием

Задание 3.
Найдите в данном отрывке грамматические и орфографические ошибки. Запишите правильный
The flora within the Cocora Park is diverse. There is woodland areas dominnated by snow gums, lowgrowing shrubs, wild flowers and herbs and bog areas where vegetation vary from water-loving sphagnum
moss to sedges and heaths. On the lower slopes there are varios types of eucalipt forests, while the plateau is
dominate by plants that can withstand prolonged wet periods and below-freezing temperatures.
Within 140 km of walking trucks in summer, and downhill and cross-country skiing and toboganing in
winter, the park is being a favourite holiday destination.
With it’s massive granite furs, sparkling mountain streams, gnarled snow gums, delicate wildflovers,
spectacullar views of surrounding river valleys and deep snow feilds in winter, Cocora is one of most popular
high country parks.


нужно самим решать олимпиаду

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