Антон Костров

в каких сезонах доктор кто играл Дэвид Теннант


Doctor Who Confidential

David Tennant ...48 episodes

David Tennant - Доктор Кто (TV Series) / Тhe Doctor / Doctor Who / Smith

- The Day of the Doctor (2013) ...The Doctor
- The End of Time: Part Two (2010) ...The Doctor
- The End of Time: Part One (2009) ...The Doctor
- The Waters of Mars (2009) ...The Doctor
- Planet of the Dead (2009) ...The Doctor
- The Next Doctor (2008) ...Doctor Who
- Journey's End (2008) ...The Doctor
- The Stolen Earth (2008) ...The Doctor
- Turn Left (2008) ...The Doctor
- Midnight (2008) ...The Doctor
- Forest of the Dead (2008) ...The Doctor
- Silence in the Library (2008) ...The Doctor
- The Unicorn and the Wasp (2008) ...The Doctor
- The Doctor's Daughter (2008) ...The Doctor
- The Poison Sky (2008) ...The Doctor
- The Sontaran Stratagem (2008) ...The Doctor
- Planet of the Ood (2008) ...The Doctor
- The Fires of Pompeii (2008) ...The Doctor
- Partners in Crime (2008) ...The Doctor
- Voyage of the Damned (2007) ...The Doctor
- Last of the Time Lords (2007) ...The Doctor
- The Sound of Drums (2007) ...The Doctor
- Utopia (2007) ...The Doctor
- Blink (2007) ...The Doctor
- The Family of Blood (2007) ...The Doctor
- Human Nature (2007) ...The Doctor / Smith
- 42 (2007) ...The Doctor
- The Lazarus Experiment (2007) ...The Doctor
- Evolution of the Daleks (2007) ...The Doctor
- Daleks in Manhattan (2007) ...The Doctor
- Gridlock (2007) ...The Doctor
- The Shakespeare Code (2007) ...The Doctor
- Smith and Jones (2007) ...The Doctor
- The Runaway Bride (2006) ...The Doctor
- Doomsday (2006) ...The Doctor
- Army of Ghosts (2006) ...The Doctor
- Fear Her (2006) ...The Doctor
- Love & Monsters (2006) ...The Doctor
- The Satan Pit (2006) ...The Doctor
- The Impossible Planet (2006) ...The Doctor
- The Idiot's Lantern (2006) ...The Doctor
- The Age of Steel (2006) ...The Doctor
- Rise of the Cybermen (2006) ...The Doctor
- The Girl in the Fireplace (2006) ...The Doctor
- School Reunion (2006) ...The Doctor
- Tooth and Claw (2006) ...The Doctor
- New Earth (2006) ...The Doctor
- The Christmas Invasion (2005) ...The Doctor
- The Parting of the Ways (2005) ...Doctor Who

David Tennant - Filmography - Доктор Кто (TV Series) 2005-2013

Весь «Доктор Кто» (мини-сериал, 2006)
Totally Doctor Who ...The Doctor

Доктор Кто: Крушение во времени (ТВ, 2007)
Doctor Who: Time Crash ...The Doctor

Доктор Кто: Музыка сфер (ТВ, 2008)
Doctor Who: Music of the Spheres ...The Doctor

Доктор Кто: Страна снов (мини-сериал, 2009)
Doctor Who: Dreamland ...The Doctor, озвучка

Дэвид Теннант (David Tennant) - КиноПоиск.Ru

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