Sweet Kitty

Английский язык. Перефразируйте данные предложения. Если у вас будет получаться несколько способов, запишите все из них

Перефразируйте данные предложения. Если у вас будет получаться несколько способов,
запишите все из них.
1. I suppose Mary has left the phone off the hook.
2. Doctors are obliged to scrub their hands carefully.
3. Do you mind if I take your pen?
4. It wasn’t necessary for me to read the book, so I didn’t.
5. It’s forbidden to copy tests’ answers without the teacher’s permission.
6. Why don’t they spend this evening at home?
7. It’s obvious they misunderstood the instructions of mine.


Подозреваю, что перефразировать надо, используя модальные глаголы. Но лучше бы вы сами озвучили, что за грамматическую тему вы сейчас изучаете.

1. I suppose Mary has left the phone off the hook. - Mary may have left the phone off the hook.

2. Doctors are obliged to scrub their hands carefully. - Doctors must scrub their hands carefully.

3. Do you mind if I take your pen? - May I take your pen?

4. It wasn’t necessary for me to read the book, so I didn’t. - I didn't have to read the book, so I didn't. I didn't need to read the book....но тут need не модальный, а смысловой.

5. It’s forbidden to copy tests’ answers without the teacher’s permission. - You mustn't // can't copy test answers without the teacher's permission.

6. Why don’t they spend this evening at home? - I suggest they should spend this evening at home. I suggest they spend this evening at home. Это формы Subjunctive.

7. It’s obvious they misunderstood the instructions of mine. - They must have misunderstood my instructions.

Светлана Ерофеевская

1) I figure Mary did not hang the phone reciever on the cradle.
2) Croakers ought to clean their hands up right.
3) May I borrow your pan?
4) I did not to read the book for I had not to.
5) You must not copy tests' answers unless the teacher allow to.
6) What are they out for tonight?
7) Apparently, my instructions did not get to them.

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