Анна Ковалькова

Помогите поправить сочинение на английский язык, пожалуйста

Hello Katya.

Thank you for your letter. I write because I want to tell you about my friend Tanya.

Tanya is very cute and fun. She is of medium height, a little shorter than me. She is slender and well built. She has blue eyes and an oval face. She has blonde hair to shoulders and a charming smile. She is easy-going and cheerful person, always kind and sympathetic with others. Tanya has a lot of friends and to her easy to find common language with people. She is nice and pleasant to talk to people. Tania is witted and insightful. Sometimes she likes to argue, but with her is easy to find a compromise. She is a person with a light, open character and likes to joke. I like spending time with my friend Tanya. We were never bored together.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

See you soon.


Привет Катя.

Спасибо тебе за твоё письмо. Я пишу потому что хочу рассказать про свою подругу Таню.

Таня - очень симпатичная и весёлая. Она среднего роста, чуть пониже меня. Она стройная и хорошо сложена. У неё добрые голубые глаза и овальное лицо. У неё светлые волосы до плечей и очаровательная улыбка. Она спокойный и жизнерадостный человек, всегда добра и отзывчива с окружающими . У Тани имеется много друзей и она легко находит общий язык с людьми. Она хороший и приятный в общении человек. Таня сообразительна и проницательна. Иногда она любит поспорить, но с ней легко найти компромисс. Она человек с легким, открытым характером и любит шутить. Мне нравится проводить время с моей подругой Таней . Нам никогда не бывает вместе скучно .

С нетерпением жду вестей от тебя.

Скоро увидимся.

Aziz S

Hello Katya, (! запятая нужна, а не точка)
Thank you for your letter. I AM WRITING because I want to tell you about my friend Tanya.

Tanya is very cute and fun. She is of medium height, a little shorter than me. She is slender and well built (как по мне, то well-built больше к парню/мужчине подходит, я бы написала and she has a good figure). She has an oval face and blue eyes. (Есть правила описания внешности, сначала лицо, потом глаза, да это не слишком принципиально, но всё же) . She has SHOULDER-LENGTH blonde hair and a charming smile. She AN is easy-going and cheerful person, always kind and sympathetic with others. Tanya has a lot of friends and to her easy to find common language with people (Всё, что после and неверно. Возможные варианты - She easily finds / she can easily find common language with other people. или She has a flair for finding common language with other people. Это если вы хотите сохранить именно эту фразу. Но англичане скорее скажут так - She gets on well with other people. She is good at finding common language / she is good at getting along with other people.) She is nice and pleasant to talk to. ( (Слово people здесь лишнее, оно меняет конструкцию, лишая её смысла, делая её грамматически неверной) . Tania is quick-witted and a good judge of character. Sometimes she likes to argue, but it's easy to make a compromise with her. She is a person of a light, open disposition and she likes to joke. I enjoy (Два like рядом лучше избежать, зачем повторяться, когда глаголов море) spending time with my friend Tanya. We NEVER GET BORED WHEN WE ARE together.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

(Абсолютно правильно построена фраза, необращайте внимание на вариант Станиславы)

See you soon. (В письмах обычно пишут комплиментарную концовку типа Best wishes/ Love затем запятая и с новой строчки ваше имя. Но если вы планируете встретиться, то можно оставить)
Best wishes,


В письме стоит задать пару вопромов Кате, иначе оно выглядит недркжелюбным. Kate, how are you? What' the news? I miss you very much, it' s been a long time since we last got a letter from you. Thank you for your letter. I am writing... -это в самом начале после приветствия.

В конце (перед I' m looking forward to ...) Have you made any new friends? Can you tell me about your best friend?

Андрей Ревин

Hello Katya.

Thank you for your letter. I write because I want to tell you about my friend Tanya.

Tanya is a very cute and fun. She is of medium height, a little shorter me. She is slender and well built. She has blue eyes and an oval face. She has blonde hair to shoulders and a charming smile. She is an easy-going and a cheerful person, always kind and sympathetic with others. Tanya has a lot of friends and she easy finds a common language with people. She is nice and pleasant to talk to people. Tania is witted and insightful. Sometimes she likes to argue, but it is easy to find a
compromise with her. She is a person with a light, open character and likes to
joke. I like to spend time with my friend Tanya. We are never bored together.

I am looking forward to hear from you.

See you soon.

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