Никакой - это газовые гиганты.

Нет никакой.
Это всё газовики.
В теории у Сатурна - где-то в районе толстой кишки есть металлическое ядро из водорода. А у Урана с Нептуном - каменное.
Но не факт.
Поверхностей у них нет..

The controversy stems from the fact that Pluto resembles the icy, comet-like objects orbiting the sun outside of Neptune's orbit rather than either the rocky planets (Mercury, Venus Earth and Mars) or the gas giant planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune). The factors, which set Pluto apart from the other planets, include its composition, atmosphere, small size, large moon (compared to Pluto's size), and orbit around the sun.
Composition: Pluto is thought to be composed of ice, rock, and frozen gases, similar to the composition of the comet-like objects in the Kuiper belt (the region beyond Neptune's orbit)
Atmosphere: Pluto's atmosphere grows as it moves closer to the sun and recedes as it moves away. This is similar to the comet-like objects found in the vicinity. The frozen gases sublime (turn from a solid to a gas) as Pluto moves closer to the sun and then condense on the surface of Pluto as it moves away from the sun, leaving bright patches on Pluto's surface. The smaller Kuiper belt objects loose these gases, since they don't have enough gravitational force to hold on to them. Over time, this leaves dark rock behind in contrast to Pluto's brightness.
Small size: Pluto's mass is about 1/500th that of the Earth while Mercury's is 1/20th that of the Earth. The diameter of Pluto is 1/5 the diameter of the Earth whereas Mercury's diameter is about 1/3 Earth's. Pluto is a giant among the Kuiper belt objects but there may have been other Pluto-sized objects in the Kuiper belt, which have either been incorporated into the gas giant planets or flung outward and ejected from the solar system.
Large moon: Pluto's moon, Charon's radius is about 55% of the radius of Pluto and its mass is about one-eighth the mass of Pluto. It is in synchronous orbit with Pluto which means that Charon is always over the same spot on Pluto. The orbit is only 20,000 km away from Pluto. For comparison, Earth's moon is about 1/80th the mass of the Earth and orbits 400,000 km away.
Orbit about the sun: Pluto's orbit is more elliptical than any other planet (It actually crosses Neptune's orbit.) and it is tilted at an inclination of 17.15 degrees relative to the plane of orbit of the other eight planets. The comet-like objects in the Kuiper belt have similar orbits that are randomly inclined.
К списку вопросов
Солнце • Меркурий • Венера • Земля • Марс • Юпитер • Сатурн • Уран • Нептун
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Ошибкам – бой!
<img src="//content.foto.my.mail.ru/mail/viktoriya.chibrikova/_answers/i-2.jpg" >
поверхности у сатурна нет

есть у сатуна поверхность не имеет четкой твердой поверхности
есть отмасфера учебник читай