Света Ерёмина
Света Ерёмина

Помогите перевести текст (переводчик конечно переводит, НО такую чушь выдаёт, что порой теряешься в постоении предложения

Occasional solitude is absolutely necessary for a developing mind. To have time to think is rare in the world today, and time must be made. To continue living working without moments of solitude is like expecting a machine to work indefinitely without oil.
Solitude is the best society for artists. The creation of any form of beauty depends upon the state of a man's mind, whether the person writes something or paints something. To know one’s mind is a thing achieved only by solitude and quiet thinking. And it is this peace that is the force of creation.
But few people like being alone for a long time. The close society of acquaintances and friends, doing useless things to pass the time. These are the necessities of the modern world. People are afraid of having time to think, so they go to the cinema, the television set, or a football match, because they can think of nothing better to do. Creative work is fast disappearing; instead, we’ll have a generation of watchers and thought will be left to the poets and scientists.
Some people wouldn’t know what to do being alone at times. Finding other people’s company preferable to their own, the begin to feel unhappy and grow introspective. Self-analysis can be carried too far by some; others lose the art of conversation, and an ability to give and take - and so run indefinitely without oil…
But to the rest of us solitude brings new worlds. When we think and feel, unwatched by man, ideas and feelings come to us, and we get new strength instead of becoming lost in a hurrying world. Ideas and knowledge of oneself that come from peace are the best things in life; these come only from solitude – occasional solitude, of course (Lapidus D/A/, Neusihina M. M., Sheidina I.L. More English through Practice. P. 300-301)


Оля, художественный перевод стоит какие-то деньги.

Екатерина Сазонова

Текст простой и интересный. Вполне по силам для
самостоятельного перевода. Есть опечатка, надо так:

Finding other people’s company preferable to their own,
theY begin to feel unhappy and grow introspective.

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