Серёга Горбулин

прошу помоч с тестом и отвечать только если точно знаете спас

1.Books ……be returned on or before the date stamped below. –must
2.You …..make a little less noise. –have to -may -might
3.We ……have driven to the city in two hours if we hadn’t stop for lunch.
-couldn’t -can’t -could
4.It isn’t certain, but he……..be a millionaire in two year’s time. – might -must -shouid
5.You ……walk alone around the town late at night. –needn’t -shouldn’t should
6.I stepped aside so that she …….go in. –could -can -must
7.The rules for basketball say:you…………..do something within five seconds. –must
8.You ……..easily have done it. –could -couldn’t -can’t
9.However,if you come from an EEC country and you want to travel to another one,you……worry about visas.
You needn’t even take your passport. –needn’t -mustn’t -shouldn’t
10.I think you …….have told her you were sorry. -should
11.There …..be a heavy frost during the night. –might -have to -may
12.Checks…….be accepted only with a bank card. –can’t -can - couid
13………..they hear it before they saw it? -can’t -could -may
14.That…….be Charlie.He said ha would be here about now. –must
15.Once or twice we lost our way and ……ask a policeman for directions. –will have to -have to -had to
16.We…..have done the work so qnickly.We could have taken our time. –should -needn’t - mustn’t
17.As the ship entered the harbor,we……see the of Liberty. –may -can -could
18.The bus came on time so we……wait for long at the bus stop. –mustn’t -didn’t have to -had to
19.We read a long poem in the class yeaterday.It was boring .I’m glad we ….learn it by heart.
-have to -mustn’t -don’t have to
20.When she saw a baby, she……only cry. –couldn’t -could -can’t

Александр Давыдов

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