Иван Кривошеев

текст песни Samantha James – Free

Nik Kl

I saw love's, smiling face, on a raindrop resting in it's solitude.
dancing through, the amber sky, as the stars are falling down, baby, come, so intertwined
I just wanna, wanna be, be the girl that I once used to be.
Loving all, flying free. But I need to find my way back home.
I just wanna, wanna be, be the girl that I once used to be.
Loving life, flying free. But I need to find my way back home.
Love is trapped, inside her heart. The tattered truth keeps pulling her upon the shore.
Waves of love, won't let her be.
Fighting eyes like one surprise, it takes three to see.
I just wanna, wanna be, be the girl the once used to be.
Loving all, flying free. But I need to find my way back home.
I just wanna, wanna be, be the girl that I once used to be.
Loving life, flying free. But I need to find my way home.
I just wanna, wanna be, be the girl that I once used to be.
Loving life, flying free, but I need to find my way home.

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