Светлана Кузнецова

Вставьте в пропуски слова в Present Simple или Present Continuous

Слова: say / tell / do
spend / recover / find
talk / threaten / negotiate
suggest / hope / promise
recommend / warn / apologise

1. She __________ just only __________ from the operation and still ___________ it difficult to move about. At the moment she_________ most of her time in bed 2. What I _______ is that you _________ well in your job. Really! I ___________ the truth.
3. I ___________ I'll do everything I can to help you find a flat, although I _______ that you also advertise in the local newspaper. It can be difficult to find
accommodation, but I ___________ it won't be too long before you've got somewhere.
4. The fishing unions ____________ with their employers for a pay rise. If there is no agreement by next week, they _____________ to strike and
even _____________ about blockading ports around the country.
5. I ___________ for the delay in replying to your letter. To place an order for the book you require, I ___________ that you telephone Mrs Jones in our
sales department. I _______________ you, however, that delivery time is likely to be about six days.


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