Алексей Новиков
Алексей Новиков

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Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky is possibly the best known of the Russian novels of the late nineteenth century. The action takes place in St Petersburg. This is an extremely interesting murder story of an intellectual but criminal mind.

The main character of the novel is Raskolnikov, a university student, who wanders through the slums of St Petersburg and murders his moneylender and her sister without regret. He imagines himself to be a great man, a Napoleon: acting for a higher purpose beyond society moral law. But as he becomes involved in a dangerous game of cat and mouse with a suspicious detective, Raskolnikov is pursued by the inner voice of his conscience. His doubts and guilt make him suffer and never leave him alone.

Crime and Punishment is perhaps one of the greatest novels ever written and certainly one of the most powerful.

Ангелина Федоровых

Крем и Парень Мент был Федя достоевский из поссы зэ бест Нау ОФ руске водкJkeee

Стиночка Ахмедуллаева

oh, my dear, you can do it thanks to example!

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