Елена Нащекина

Помогите ответить на вопросы по данному тексту:

1 How are robots supposed to be used in future?

2 Why are robots better companions than dogs, according to the next?

3 Why can people look forward to the time when robots will be accepted into daily life?

4 whould you like to have a robots companion? why?\ why not?

5 How could robots be most useful in daily life? Why do you think?

Future Robots
What role will robots have in our future? Will they only be functional, or will they be our personal companions? Computer scientists in Japan and the USA now believe that robots will be friends and helpers like C-3PO and R2-D2 in the film Star Wars [CG]. Helen Greiner, of the company Robot, says they are good for jobs that are "dull, dirty, and dangerous".
Others believe robots will some day be a part of everyday life. Katsumi Muto of Sony thinks that elderly Japanese people might need mechanical carers. His company has developed Aibo, a robot dog, and Qrio a humanoid, which can walk and play music. Robots like this will help make peoples lives easier, by cleaning the house or delivering the mail, but they will not require care like the family pet.
Scientists see the next step is making robots that can feel and show emotion. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology has built a robot called Kismet, which can move its eyes and show emotional expressions. One day, people are likely to accept robots into daily life, as helpers and companions like the family dog, which they can love.

Анна Баринова

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