Алина Шлуинская
Алина Шлуинская

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Although one might argue that the gender of the top administrator is immaterial to the running of
the school, the gendered organization of schools themselves conveys several gender messages: that
men have more power and status than do women; that men are leaders and authority figures, whereas
women are subordinates and have a narrower sphere of influence; and that women are better than
men at dealing with the emotional and social needs of younger children, whereas men are better
than women at dealing with the intellectual and vocational needs of older children/young adults. It
is within this gendered social context that boys and girls are educated.
Gender messages also can be found in fields of study themselves. Not only are women more
likely than men to be teaching and associated with early childhood education, but women also are
more likely than men to be associated with the creative arts (art, music, writing) and the humanities
in general. In contrast, men are more likely than women to be associated with math, science.
and technology. These trends both reflect and reinforce academic gender typing. Evidence suggests
that students do associate different subject areas with men and women, and such associations affect
students' academic performance as well as their career choices. Similar patterns of gender segregation
in field of study have been found in most developed countries: Women are under-represented in
engineering, mathematics, computer science, and, to a lesser degree, natural science; they are overrepresented
in education, humanities, and health fields; and there is approximate gender parity in the
social sciences (Charles & Bradley, 2002).
There has been change over time in the United States; increased numbers of women have joined educational administration, the professorate, and science fields. For example, in the decade from 1993 to 2003, the percentage of women principals in elementary and secondary schools increased 10%, and the percentage of women teaching in colleges and universities increased 6% (NCES, 2007). These numbers still fall short of gender parity, however. Furthermore, gains by women in traditional male-dominated careers have not been matched by increased numbers of men in traditional female-dominated careers, such as early childhood education and the humanities.

Татьяна Бульская

Хотя, кто-нибудь может возразить, что пол директора не влияет на руководство школой, фактический состав персонала школ позволяет сделать следующие выводы:

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