Руслан Бугаев

3 предложения на англ, посомтрите, пож-а, нет ли ошибок?

Every child has got a dream. Every. I remember my childhood, when I spent lots of hours drawing strangely pictures with different colours and forms, clothes, animals and red trees. I imagined to be a designer, to invent and to create.

I like my work and I like to do lots of different things in my free time like event organization, teaching of Russian as a Foreign Language, conduct table games at the holidays

For example, when I was learning to drive a car I imagined how great it would be to create educational game for the future drivers.

O33O :)

Every child has got a dream. Everyone. I remember my childhood, when I spent lots of hours(часов) (time-время) drawing strange(+ly - странно) pictures with (я б in написал - в различ. цветах) different colours and forms, clothes, animals and red trees. I imagined me like(как) a designer, to invent and to create.

I like my work and I like to do а lot of different things in my free time, such like event organization, learning (studieng-изучать) (teaching-преподавать) Russian as a Foreign Language, conducting table games at the holidays

For example, when I was learning to drive a car I was imagining (я учился и представлял одно время) how it would be great to create educational game for future drivers.

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