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Английский язык. Контрольная. Помогиииите!

Пpeo6paзуйте предложения, употребляя причастия в функции определения или обстоятельства.
1. As he received his salary, he deposited half of it on his saving account. 2. While she was in the process of changing jobs, she was seeking reemployment. 3. In the society there are always some young people who search for their first job. 4. As structural unemployment is the long term it is regarded as more serious.

. Подчеркните герундий, определив его форму и функцию.
1. I didn't think the business was worth investing. 2. The manager went on collecting data on international trade. 3. This proprietor succeeds in making profits. 4. It is impossible to succeed in business without advertising its products and services. 5. He insisted on the contract being signed immediately.

Almaz Babaev

1. Receiving his salary, he deposited half of it on his saving account. 2. Changing jobs she was seeking reemployment. 3. In the society there are always some young people searching for their first job. 4. Being the long term structural unemployment is regarded as more serious.

1. investing - Indefinite Active, определение
2. collecting - Indefinite Active, часть составного глагольного сказуемого
3. making - Indefinite Active, косвенное дополнение
4. advertising - Indefinite Active, обстоятельство
5. being signed - Indefinite Passive, сложное определение

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