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Переведите, ПОЖАЛУЙСТА, с английского на русский. очень нужно / часть 2

Question: Have you ever read Harry Potter?
Katie Leclerc: Yes! Harry’s my man! I was Hermione Granger for like seven Halloweens in a row.

Question: Have you ever been nervous playing a scene on the show?
Katie Leclerc: I don’t think so. They do a really good job of making everybody feel comfortable, and we do a lot of rehearsals, so there’s never been a problem.

Question: Hi Katie, now that you live in California, do you have a favorite ride at Disneyland? Is it teacups or Haunted Mansion, perhaps Space Mountain or something else?
Katie Leclerc: Tossup between Space Mountain and Indiana Jones! I went when the Indiana Jones ride very first opened, and I was like nine years old, and the big rock ball was coming at me, and I was screaming because I was terrified!

Question: What was like working with Lucas Grabeel for the first time?
Katie Leclerc: I’m a really big High School Musical fan, so when I found out he was going to be on the show, I danced! I listen to a song before every audition in my car, so I can sing and dance. And before my audition for Switched at Birth, I listened to “I Want It All” from the High School Musical 3 soundtrack (which is one of Lucas’ songs), so it was meant to be!

Question: Is Vanessa Marano fun to work with?
Katie Leclerc: She’s super fun to work with and one of my favorite people to work with ever!


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