Владимир Прядкин
Владимир Прядкин

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are mainly commenting, but in this section highlight .. form . This form is a declaration of love in different
languages ​​.

After the
presentations, all without exception performed meaningful and love songs .
Some classes just very good singing, some danced, and some even presented a
scene! But especially will highlight 9 ...form: Bright, sunny and cheerful
song mass dance, almost real amour unforgettable salute of hearts !

But all the
songs have been a great success and all the spectators were delighted !

By the end
of performances leading down from the stage to the important question: "
what is love for you? "

hesitate to answer, and the rest with a sense answer: «Love is a family, love
is a beauty, love is a wonder, love is fabulous….»

completed the song shows the total of all participants of the concert, titled”TrullyMadly,Deeply”.
For enthusiastic during the concert
foreigner final song was so impressed ,
that he asked for one to sing it again.

the concert in the hall reigned cute, friendly and cozy atmosphere. How many
emotions got every spectator and actor. As rose the mood of everybody! For my
opinion this show is still on for a long time would come out of our souls.заранее спасибо за помощь!

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