Dima Komartsov

Каким знаком управляет Эрида? Каким знаком управляет Эрида? У кого какие соображения?

Лидия Гольцева
Лидия Гольцева

It was at its furthest point from the Sun (aphelion) on March 16, 1977, at 13 Aries 36. (1977 was an interesting year. Six days earlier, rings were discovered around the planet Uranus, shaking up our reality, letting us know Saturn wasn't the only ringed planet. And later in the year, November 1, Chiron was discovered, right between Saturn and Uranus.)

Going back in time, it was closest to the Sun (perihelion) on July 7, 1699, at 8 Libra 53. A planet's perihelion is, in many ways, the beginning of its orbital cycle. What shift took place int he world at the end of the 17th Century, as we entered into the 18th Century? Why have some called the 1700's "The Age of Reason and Change"? Could this be related to the perihelion in Libra, sign of the scales of balance, fairness, law and justice?

Obviously, it is way too soon to list meanings for this planet, but it is not too soon to begin studying it astrologically. Here are a few significant positions for Eris:
Discovery position: 19 Aries 45 R
Position when announced to the world: 21 Aries 05 R

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