
как считать бинарный файл у C++. ifstream не работает=( подскажите код


ifstream таки работает. Пользуйся блочными функциями, а не форматными.

istream& read ( char* s, streamsize n );

Read block of data
Reads a block of data of n characters and stores it in the array pointed by s.

If the End-of-File is reached before n characters have been read, the array will contain all the elements read until it, and the failbit and eofbit will be set (which can be checked with members fail and eof respectively).

Notice that this is an unformatted input function and what is extracted is not stored as a c-string format, therefore no ending null-character is appended at the end of the character sequence.

Calling member gcount after this function the total number of characters read can be obtained.

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